Holistic Cure Clinic
Welcome to the world of Holistic Healing. We at Holistic Cure Clinic heal our clients with different modalities of holistic healing like :
- Reiki Healing
- Lama Fera Healing
- Crystal Therapy
- Tarot Card Reading (Advanced)
- Ho’oponopono Healing
- Family Constellation
Details regarding above modalities in nutshell :
Reiki Healing :
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
Lama Fera : Straight from the Monks of Himalayas!
Lama Fera Healing is an exceptionally powerful and quick energy healing technique. Buddhist monks of the Himalayas have been using it for centuries. It is a unique therapy that cleanses the energy flow system of the body. It works on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
Crystal Therapy
Crystal healing is a pseudoscientific alternative-medicine practice that uses semiprecious stones and crystals such as quartz, agate, amethyst or opal. Practitioners of crystal healing believe they can boost low energy, prevent bad energy, release blocked energy, and transform a body’s aura.
Tarot Card Reading
Tarot readings help a person understand what he or she needs to know about a particular situation. Decks are best used as a tool of inner wisdom and guidance, as readings give a person insight to past, current and future events based on the person’s current path at the time of the reading.
Ho’oponopono Healing
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice that involves learning to heal all things by accepting “Total Responsibility” for everything that surrounds us – confession, repentance, and reconciliation.
Family Constellation (Free from Pitr Dosh / पितृ दोष निवारण)
Family constellation is a type of therapy based on the idea that problems sift down through generations to cause stress in the here and now. When we examine our feelings and perceptions in a “field of knowing,” we can break out of familial patterns that cause suffering. Working through our family constellation with family constellation exercises helps us to find the cause of our problems and resolve them.
This is a vast concept as it deals with human mind. Here the therapist performs the therapy by taking the client into hypnosis. What hypnotherapy and hypnosis is well explained below.

Often one of the very first questions my clients ask me is; “What does hypnosis feel like? What is trance? how do I know if I am in trance?” This usually follows with some nervousness around feeling pain or feeling out of control! I feel that through the media hypnosis has been portrayed in completely the wrong way and it is through this article I want to provide you with knowledge, understanding and reassurance around what true hypnosis is and isn’t!
For example…
Imagine driving home from work or from the grocery store. You’ve done it hundreds of times; maybe even thousands. You know the route like the back of your hand. If it was safe to do so, you could probably drive it with your eyes closed. Given how familiar the route is to you, your concentration wanders during the trip. You pull up into the driveway and realize that you don’t remember the last few miles of your journey. Because, believe it or not, you were in a hypnotic trance!
Hypnosis is a highly focused state of mind – also known as an altered state of consciousness whereby the unconscious mind is free to act without interference from regular consciousness.
What’s more… it’s a totally natural state that you might find yourself in at various times throughout the day. Yes, really.
For example…
When you get so engrossed in an activity that you lose track of time and you zone out from whatever’s going on around you. Or when you indulge in any hobby that occupies your mind completely. Well, guess what? That’s hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a very valuable tool to help people in healing. Study says 70% diseases are created by mind only. These 70% disease don’t require any medicine. There is no medicine for some of them . We help people to cure such problems. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind; people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room at any moment. Unless you enter a deeper state, you may not seem any different, just very relaxed. Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is. Hypnosis is a method of leading your conscious mind into a deliberated sleep (much the same as when you go to bed at night just before you actually slip into sleep) so that it stop thinking. We call it “Hypnotic Trance”. In Hypnotic Trance your conscious mind becomes less active, but you remain awake. At this point your subconscious mind is especially receptive to suggestions. It is your subconscious mind that responds to suggestions and causes those suggestions to manifest themselves in your life. When a hypnotherapist uses the trance process, the critical faculty and the ego are bypassed, which makes accepting suggestions even easier. Repeating the suggestions during each session and with multiple sessions allows the newly incorporated changes to become permanent. The subconscious mind is like an obedient servant. It does what it is told to do. The subconscious mind doesn’t think, reason, or rationalize, it only follow the instructions. Conversely, your conscious mind does think, reason, and rationalize and often argue against what you want. This is why conscious mind need to be quieted so it won’t argue against the instructions you want to give your subconscious mind for your betterment. Find the best Hypnotherapy Doctors in Ahmedabad that provides Holistic healing therapy services combine powerful therapies to achieve overall fitness in a person. Past Life Regression Therapy in Ahmedabad is an unconventional therapy method which is used to cure people difficulty from emotional problem. Family Counselling in Ahmedabad helps in different situations affecting the family at large. The services of best Hypnotherapist in Ahmedabad may actually be the solution you need to help you take off the rupees safely and successfully-and keep them off. We treat our client Reiki Lama Fera Healing in Ahmedabad along with Hypnotherapy.
How Effective Is Hypnosis?
American Health Magazine Compared Different Types Of Therapy And Found:
38% Recovery after 600 Sessions
Behavior Theraphy
72% Recovery after 22 Sessions
93% Recovery after 6 Sessions
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
The hypnotic state allows a person to be more open to discussion and suggestion. It can improve the success of other treatments for many conditions.
- Hypnosis can help people change their eating behaviors and drop the weight.
- Cognitive hypnotherapy helps change unwanted patterns and behaviors by connecting with the subconscious mind
- Hypnosis has been used to treat chronic types of pain and pain resulting from serious injury
- Hypnosis gives your mind and body a chance to recuperate, repair and heal itself by experiencing the relaxation that it desperately needs
- Hypnosis can help treat the psychological problem that is causing the sleep disturbance while at the same time it puts the body in a deeply relaxed state that helps the body and mind become rejuvenated
Hypnotherapy Helps in...
- Pain Management
- Stress Relief
- Sorrow and Grief
- Sports Performance
- Speech and Stuttering
- Fears and Phobias
- Examination Fright
- Self Esteem and Self Confidence
- Public Speaking and Stage Confidence
- Anxiety and Depressions
- Memory Recall from Past Incidents
- Treat Unexplained Allergies
- Sleep Disorders
- Freeway Driving Fear
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Loss Management
- Alcohol Abuse
- Medicine Abuse
- Relationship Issues
- Age and Past Life Regression
- Spirit Release for Emotional Relief
- Quitting Soda Addiction
- Learning to Let Go
- Quitting Sugar
- Further leads to PAST LIFE REGRESSION for Karma understanding with spiritual guidance, releasing oaths, vows and curses
Hypnotherapy Helps in...
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Loss Management
- Stress Relief
- Age Regression
- Anxiety and Depressions
- Spirit Release for Emotional Relief
- Pain Management
- Past Life Regression
- Memory Recall from Past Incidents
- Fears and Phobias
- Treat Unexplained Allergies
- Relationship Issues
- Sleep Disorders
- Freeway Driving Fear
- Alcohol Abuse
- Medicine/Drug Abuse
- Speech and Stuttering & Stammering
- Examination Fright
- Self Esteem and Self Confidence
- Public Speaking and Stage Confidence
- Quitting Soda Addiction
- Learning to Let Go
- Quitting Sugar
- Sorrow and Grief
- Sports Performance
Further leads to PAST LIFE REGRESSION for Karma understanding with Spiritual Guidance, Releasing Oaths, Vows and Curses
Contact Us...
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Get in Touch
Pallavi Patel
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychologist
* Reiki Master & Teacher
* Lama Fera Master
* Crystal Therapist
* Angel Healer
* Tarot Card Reader
* Ho'oponopono Practitioner
* Family Constellation Facilitator
* Holistic Healing Therapy in Ahmedabad
* Past Life Regression Therapy in Ahmedabad
* Hypnotherapy Doctors in Ahmedabad
* Reiki Lama Fera Healing in Ahmedabad
* Best Hypnotherapist in Ahmedabad
Contact : +91 9925 00 4040
Email : info@holisticcure.clinic
Mon - Sat, 10:00-18:00